Brittny's Blankets, Inc., is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. Donations are 100% tax deductible.
About Brittny’s Blankets

Brittny’s Blankets, Inc., is a nonprofit organization founded in December 2008 to honor the life of our daughter and sister.

During Brittny’s 14 years of life, she battled cancer 3 times.  She was blessed with lots of family and friends that not only spent time with her in the hospital and at home, but also showered her with many gifts.  In her last months one gift Brittny held close was a blanket made special for her by our dear friend Mo.  Made of fleece and bearing the picture of an Angel, she felt love in this blanket.  For this reason Brittny’s Blankets was started, a program that provides homemade, fleece blankets to children whose lives have been challenged by disease or disability.

To date 2,873 blankets have been given to children’s hospitals, clinics, and a camp for children who are battling cancer or are cancer survivors.  Numerous volunteers help make the blankets including teachers, swim team and school club members, friends and family.  

Brittny did not like to be cold and often would say after a chemo or radiation treatment, “Mommy, let’s go home, put on our jammies, get in your bed and get ‘warm and cozy’.”  She always had lots of blankets to keep her warm, but the one she cuddled most was her special fleece blanket with the Angel.

We pray someday Brittny’s Blankets will not be around as there will no longer be children stricken with disease or disabilities.  Until then we will continue making and giving these precious children blankets to keep them “warm and cozy”.
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